
<ILCAJ Secretariat>

6-72-1-703 Ota-machi,
Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 231-0011
Tel: 045-228-7696
Fax: 045-228-7697
E-mail: general@ilcaj.org

The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan (ILCAJ) is a non-profit community of individuals and organizations engaged in finding and implementing solutions to environmental problems. ILCAJ supports the development, application and dissemination of science based on the life-cycle thinking for promoting a sustainable society. The scope of ILCAJ ranges from humanities to social and natural sciences and is not limited to life-cycle assessment. Since it was founded in Tsukuba in 2004, ILCAJ has attracted members from academia, industry, policy makers and consumers. As of October 1, 2019, the membership of ILCAJ amounted to 537 individuals and 33 corporations.


3-7 Nov., 2024
5 Mar. 2022
27 Mar. 2020
23 Mar. 2018
English version of web page is now open.


3-7 Nov., 2024
30 Oct. - 2nd Nov., 2022
29 Jul.2021
Japan LCA Society General Assembly Held
4-5 Mar.2021
3-5 Mar.2021
16th Japan LCA Society Research Presentation
10-12 Mar.2020
The 15th Japan LCA Society Research Presentation
13 Feb.2020
Lecture and debate "Contribution to greenhouse gas reduction"


5 Mar. 2022
8 Jan. 2021
Implementation of elections for borad member of the ILCAJ. (2021.1.8-1.27)
18 Dec. 2020
EcoBalnce2020: Abstract submission has been extended to January 14 2021
1st Oct.2020
The 12th ILCAJ Award Recommendation acceptance start
15 Mar. 2019
The 10th ILCAJ Awards Recipients
23 Mar. 2018
English version of web page is now open.