
<ILCAJ Secretariat>

6-72-1-703 Ota-machi,
Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 231-0011
Tel: 045-228-7696
Fax: 045-228-7697
E-mail: general@ilcaj.org

EcoBalance Conferences


The International Conference on EcoBalance, organized by ILCAJ has been held in Japan since 1994 as a biennial conference. Setting life cycle thinking as its core concept, EcoBalance is recognized as one of the world's premier conferences for academic, industry, and government professionals. EcoBalance serves as a forum for discussions on environmental performance evaluation, information disclosure regarding evaluation results, and for the development and implementation of discussed methods.

Upcoming Conference

16th EcoBalance -November 3- Novemver 7, 2024 - Sendai, Japan

Past Conferences

15th EcoBalance - October 30 - November 2, 2022 - Fukuoka, Japan
Paradigm Shift with Life Cycle Thinking
14th EcoBalance - September 2020 - Sendai, Japan
Materializing Sustainability Visions: Leading Partnerships with Life Cycle Thinking
13th EcoBalance - October 2018 - Tokyo, Japan
Nexus of ideas:Innovation by linking through life cycle thinking
12th EcoBalance - October 2016 - Kyoto, Japan
Responsible Value Chains for Sustainability.
11th EcoBalance - October 2014 - Tsukuba, Japan
Creating Benefit through Life Cycle Thinking
10th EcoBalance - November 2012 - Yokohama, Japan
Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Society
9th EcoBalance - November 2010 - Tokyo, Japan
Towards and Beyond 2020
8th EcoBalance - December 2008 - Tokyo, Japan
The Challenge of Creating Social and Technological Innovation Through System-Thinking
7th EcoBalance - November 2006 - Tsukuba, Japan
Designing Our Future Society Using Systems Thinking
6th EcoBalance - October 2004 - Tsukuba, Japan
Development and Systematizing of EcoBalance Tools Based on Life Cycle Thinking
5th EcoBalance - November 2002 - Tsukuba, Japan
Practical Tools and Thoughtful Principles for Sustainability
4th EcoBalance - October 2000 - Tsukuba, Japan
Methodologies for Decision Making in a Sustainable 21st Century
3rd EcoBalance - November 1998 - Tsukuba, Japan
Progress in LCA for a Sustainable Society
2nd EcoBalance - November 1996 - Tsukuba, Japan
The New Stage of LCA as a Common Language
1st EcoBalance - October 1994 - Tsukuba, Japan
Life Cycle Assessment for Development of Materials and Technology