
<ILCAJ Secretariat>

6-72-1-703 Ota-machi,
Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 231-0011
Tel: 045-228-7696
Fax: 045-228-7697
E-mail: general@ilcaj.org

Journal and special issues

Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan

ILCAJ publishes its own journal since 2005. Research articles, case study research articles, review articles, commentaries and discussions, technical reports, notes, reports and translated articles from international journals are published in four numbers annually. Official languages of the journal are Japanese and English.

Published research articles and case study research articles are available at the following link: JSTAGE

Special issues of EcoBalance conferences in international journals

ILCAJ organizes the International Conference on EcoBalance biennially and special issues in international journals have been published in conjunction with EcoBalance conferences. Papers of works presented at EcoBalance conferences and relevant to the theme of EcoBalance conferences have been published in the following special issues.

Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier)

Special issue: “EcoBalance 2016 - Responsible value chains for sustainability”

Sustainability (MDPI)

Special Issue: "Innovation by Linking through Life Cycle Thinking: Practices and Challenges from EcoBalance"

Special issue: “Responsible Value Chains for Sustainability: Practices and Challenges from EcoBalance”

Special Issue: “Creating Benefits through Life Cycle Thinking: Practices and Challenges from EcoBalance”