
<ILCAJ Secretariat>

6-72-1-703 Ota-machi,
Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 231-0011
Tel: 045-228-7696
Fax: 045-228-7697
E-mail: general@ilcaj.org


Past The ILCAJ Awards

The 11th ILCAJ Awards Recipients

The ILCAJ Contribution Award

Ken Morishita
Executive director,Institute for Promoting Sustainable Societies
"Contribution to building the early-stage LCA community in Japan and establishment of ILCAJ and the EcoBalance Conference"

The ILCAJ Outstanding Achievement Award

Seiji Hashimoto
Professor,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Science and Engineering,Ritsumeikan University
"Development of Material Cycle Indicator Based on Life-Cycle Thinking"

The ILCAJ Best Paper Award

"Material Flow Analysis of Nitrogen Around Industries in Japan from 2005 to 2015"
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, Vol. 14. No. 4, pp.319-331
Kiwamu Katagiri1), Masafumi Mizoguchi1)2), Kazuyo Matsubae3), Tetsuya Nagasaka1)
1)Graduate school of Engineering, Tohoku university 2)MITSUBISHI ESTATE (present) 3) Graduate school of Environmental Studies, Tohoku university

"Statistics-based Yield Estimation Model for Designing Integrated Plant Resource Utilization System Considering Interannual Meteorological Variances: Implications from Case Studies on Combined Sugar-ethanol Production from Sugarcane"
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan, Vol.14, No.4, pp.302-318

Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA1), Ryotaro NAKAMURA1),Hajime OHNO1),Satoshi OHARA2),Yasunori KIKUCHI3),Kotaro OUCHIDA4),Yoshifumi TERAJIMA5),Taiichiro HATTORI6),Akira SUGIMOTO2)
1) Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 2)Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. 3)Presidential Endowed Chair for Platinum Society, The University of Tokyo 4)Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
5) National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) 6)Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)

ILCAJ Young Researcher's Award

"Sustainability study with a global multiregional input-output model"
Keiichiro Kanemoto
Associate Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

"Study on design of biomass utilisation technologies and systems with life-cycle thinking"
Kenji Koido
Associate Professor, Fukushima University

The ILCAJ Special Award

Not awarded

Past the ILCAJ Award